What is HIPAA Certification?

04HIPAA certification is a certification of compliance with HIPAA privacy laws which require the confidentiality of protected health information by a covered entity. In order to be certified HIPAA-compliant, the administrative staff and healthcare workers need to take a training course.

The training covers the basics of security and privacy requirements. Courses are offered online and study materials are provided.

The course is followed by a test for knowledge and understanding of the privacy rules. Successful completion of the exam is accompanied by a certificate. There are no Federal or State government accreditations for the examination source. Even though, the civil and criminal penalties for a violation of the law are substantial. This is why it is critical for an organization to ensure that employees are properly trained. Otherwise, the business may be sanctioned for the disclosure of identifiable health information to another person. This also helps if this is an audit under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

What is HIPAA Certification?

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